Thursday, 14 February 2008

Lisbon Treaty Must be Won on Its Merits- Senator Eugene Regan

As the spotlight falls on Ireland in advance of the referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, it is imperative that we avoid repeating the haphazard approach of the Yes campaign during the Nice 1 referendum debate. This is not the time for scare tactics, personal attacks or arguments such as those over the use of state funding. It is also imperative that we avoid taking for granted the support of the Irish people for this Treaty. To do so would be fatal.

The Irish people know full well how we have benefited from Europe, but they need to be informed of the merits of this particular Treaty. The focus must be on providing to the Irish people clear factual information regarding the key elements of this Treaty in advance of the referendum.

Already there has been evidence of scaremongering, personal attacks and accusations of misinformation. However, the Lisbon Treaty stands on its merits and there is no need for such tactics. This Treaty is good for Ireland and good for Europe.

The delay by the Taoiseach in setting a date for the referendum is inexcusable. We need ample time to properly inform the public of the facts and to encourage a full and open debate on the issues.

When we get down to the core issues, be they qualified majority voting, neutrality or economic and cultural integration, those of us on the Yes side know that these arguments can be won on their merits. We can prove that the Lisbon Treaty is very positive for this country and if the Irish people vote for the Treaty on its merits then I have no doubt it will be passed.

We have everything to gain and nothing to lose.

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